
2022 AFC Champions League Schedule



The 2022 AFC Champions League, also known as the Asian Champions League, is the 41st edition of the tournament and the 20th under the name “AFC Champions League”. The schedule was prepared before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019. On January 13th, the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) announced the latest schedule for the 2022 AFC Champions League. The group stage of the tournament will commence in April 2022, with separate zones for East and West Asia.

1. Group Stage Draw

The group stage draw for the 2022 AFC Champions League was held on December 15th, 2021. The participating teams were divided into groups based on their geographical location and previous performance in the tournament. This draw determined the fixtures and matchups for the group stage.

2. East Asia Zone

The East Asia Zone of the 2022 AFC Champions League will feature teams from countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Australia. The group stage matches for this zone will begin in April 2022 and continue until May 2022. The teams will compete in a round-robin format, playing both home and away matches against the other teams in their group.

3. West Asia Zone

The West Asia Zone of the 2022 AFC Champions League will include teams from countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. Similar to the East Asia Zone, the group stage matches for this zone will kick off in April 2022 and conclude in May 2022. The teams will also play in a round-robin format, facing each other home and away.

4. Knockout Stage

Following the completion of the group stage, the knockout stage of the 2022 AFC Champions League will commence. The top teams from each group will advance to the Round of 16, where they will compete in a two-legged tie. The winners of the Round of 16 matches will progress to the Quarterfinals, followed by the Semifinals and ultimately the Final.

5. Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Final

The Quarterfinals of the 2022 AFC Champions League are scheduled to take place in August 2022. The four remaining teams will battle it out in two-legged ties, with the winners advancing to the Semifinals. The Semifinals will be held in September 2022, and the winners of these matches will secure a spot in the Final. The Final match of the 2022 AFC Champions League is set to be played in November 2022.

6. Venue and Host Country

The host country for the 2022 AFC Champions League Final has not been announced yet. However, the AFC will select a neutral venue to ensure fairness and equal opportunity for all participating teams. The final venue will be decided closer to the date of the match.

7. Conclusion

The 2022 AFC Champions League promises to be an exciting tournament, showcasing the best football talent from across Asia. With the group stage matches starting in April 2022, fans can look forward to intense competition and thrilling encounters. As the tournament progresses, the race for the title will heat up, leading to a highly anticipated Final in November 2022.


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